Move the web pages to the computer which has the WebServer
Find out the Web Root Directory
Create a sub directory for your files mydir
Move your files to the sub directory
If this is the new web site
- Rename your top level web page file index.html
- Move this file to the Web Root Directory
- Modify any links in this file to access the /mydir/ files
Create a link in an existing page to be access your new pages
ELC103 Review
- Internet and the Web
- Browsers & Servers
- HyperMedia
Web Site Structure
- InterNet Or IntraNet ?
- Desired Function vs. Mode of Operation
- Documents, Links, Applets
Web Page Layout
- Head
- Body
- Displayed Entities
- Links and Resources
- Special Effects
- Applets
HyperText Markup Language
- What is HTML?
- Standards
- Tags
- Writing a HTML document
Creating Your First WebPage
- Design
- Browsing
- Installation